The Different Types of Acne Scars (with pictures)

Acne scars come in many shapes, sizes and even colours. They can be depressed (pitted) or raised (keloid). What they all have in common is that they can be treated, and completely or partially removed from the skin. One of the most effective treatments for this is laser therapy, and you can find out more about…
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FAQ: How Does Laser Acne Scar Removal Actually Work?

Acne scars are more than skin deep. They can fuel depression and anxiety, and living with them can often be a daily battle with one’s self-esteem. Depression in particular is common with acne scars, and although the two don’t always go hand-in-hand, it’s very easy for somebody with acne scars to feel intense feelings that…
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5 Most Popular Tattoo Stories of 2015 so far (1.65M shares!)

Tattoos are becoming more and more popular. And we’re not just talking about the actual act of ink on skin – we’re also talking about the number of people taking a general interest in the art and culture of tattoos. In fact, you might have witnessed this yourself with the rise in the number of…
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PicoSure Laser Tattoo Removal Contraindications & Precautions

Tattoo removal with the PicoSure laser is generally suitable for most people; it’s very rare that we can’t treat someone. However, like all laser treatments there are contraindications and precautions that need to be considered for your own safety. Below are all the contraindications and precautions that are taken into consideration for PicoSure laser tattoo removal treatment….
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