FAQ: How Often Can You Get Laser Tattoo Removal?

When you have a tattoo that you wish to get rid of, the natural response is to want it gone as quickly as possible. One of the most frequently asked questions we hear is, “How often can you get Laser Tattoo Removal?”, or put another way, “how long do you have to wait between laser tattoo removal…
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Half and Full Sleeve Laser Tattoo Removal – Is it possible?

Half and full sleeve tattoos are most usually created when we’re young. It usually all starts after seeing a friend or a role model – such as a footballer or a pop star – with a tattoo that covers all of or part of the arm. The problem with these types of tattoo is that…
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Laser Tattoo Removal before a Cover-Up Tattoo: Is it worth it?

People change their minds about their tattoos for all sorts of reasons and want to either get rid of it completely or fade it for a cover-up. For a lot of people the love of tattoos remains strong even if they do not like the original design they chose many years ago, so having a…
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